PROMPT I business strategies
improving performance and growing businesses
Thinking ahead -
Planning for the future...
It is very easy as a director, shareholder/owner manager to get bogged down in the day-to-day activity of running the business. After recent economic shocks of CoViD-19 and an unstable economy it has never been so important to spend time talking with your existing customers, and potential customers, really listening to how they
see the future.
The current situation of increasing interest rates has added to the pressures on businesses. We are working with a number of business owners developing different trading models so they can explore their options going forward.
Some sectors' pathways are clearer, such as infrastructure construction. In contrast, the car sector is hampered by supply chain issues such as shortages of silicone chips as the industry tries to switch from fossil fuels to electric.
Getting in tune with the market, your customers, and building a clear strategic plan going forward is key.
There will be opportunities for those who seek out how to maximise and align their consumers' new requirements.
Standing still presents far greater risk in most sectors.